A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Proverbs 14

The wise woman builds her house,

But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.

Proverbs 14:1

As I read Proverbs this morning this verse hit home with me. Oh how I long to be that wise woman who builds her house. I asked myself "What can I do to build my house". I need to ask myself that everyday. It might be to spend more time with my children, pray for my children more, make time for dates with my hubby, or maybe all of the above. It might be something else that I did not list, but I need to be intentionally building my house. Oh how I DO NOT want to be a foolish woman who tears down my house. I realize that we are all capable of this and that is all the more reason to fill ourselves with the wisdom that comes from God's Word!

Where no oxen are, the trough is clean;

But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.

Proverbs 14:4

I have come to love this verse and something I need to remind myself of everyday. A few months ago a friend of mine posted on her blog about this verse and I loved what she said. To be honest I forgot about it in the next day or two. A few days later God brought this verse back to my rememberance and I have thought of it quite often since. I struggle with my house being in order and getting my to do list checked off. This verse reminds me that if I had no family(children especially) my "trough" would be clean, in order and all those "to do's" would get checked off. BUT....I am sooooooo thankful for a dirty trough!! Those "ox" (children and hubby)bring wonderful blessings (increase).

Thank you Lord for your Word and for the wisdom You give through Your word! Help me Lord to build my house for Your glory. Convict me if I began to tear it down and guide me back to the straight and narrow path. Thank You Lord for a dirty trough! My children and Bryan are a gift from You! May we as a family do many things for You and may You be please with our family! I love you, my Father!

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