I wanted to share with you all my "Big" boy checking the mail. This was his first time to go check it all by himself. He loves checking the mail but usually he has someone go with him, not this time though. I remember when Isaac checked the mail for the first time and I got pictures of that too. I guess to me it is just one of those "big" growing up moments. Elijah was so excited to be the "Big" boy this time and he did very well.
I thought it would be fitting to share some pictures of Elijah because he is the one God used this week to open my eyes to some things. I have shared in other post that Elijah is my challenge child at this season in our lives. Well last Saturday was the greatest example...he didn't quite make it to the potty on time and tee-teed on the floor (on the carpet of our new home), next as we were outside unpacking the trailor with our last bit of stuff we noticed there was a leak at the back of the house (come to find out Elijah had over flowed the toilet upstairs), next...when he got up from his nap he had over flowed his underwear!!! Then there was something else but I will move on for time sake. He really sent me over the edge and I had had enough. We even had our fall fest at church and I was not in a socializing mood. Then all my emotions carried over to Sunday and Monday morning! I was ready to crawl back in to bed and not come out for DAYS!!
Monday morning someone at our church called and asked if I would be willing to speak to the College and Career girls about Philippians 4:8 "Whatsoever things are true,...think on these things". I said I would pray about it and get back with her. What I was really thinking is "No Way" I can't speak to anyone in this emotional state! Then on Monday night Elijah found a box in my room that I had not unpacked yet so he decided he would do that for me, only he just stacked all the books on the floor....but the box was emptied!! As he and I put all those books on the bookcase in my room I came across a book titled "Loving God with all your mind" and I flipped through the book and saw that the first 2 chapters were on Philippians 4:8! I rose Tuesday morning and began to read that first Chapter and God opened my eyes to the Truth, I was not and I struggle to think on things that are true!! The more I read of chapter 1 I was humbled and so grateful that Elijah had dumped out those books!! Then I began to go back and think about what was "True" on that last Saturday....1) my parents were here and were able to be a big help, 2) Sarah had basketball practice and that was cancelled, 3) Isaac had a football game and the other team forfieted which meant no game 4) because practice and the game were cancelled we had more family time and time to get a few things around here done. WOW!! Thinking on the things that are "True" has such freedom!
So get ready....I will probably be sharing more on this during this month. My final conclusion to this post is what I thought was a struggle God used to bring freedom and growth in my life....Thank You Lord!!
1 comment:
Cute!!! I love these pictures!!
Love and Hugs for all of you from Maw and Paw
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