A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Negative or Positive?

This has been a tough week for us. Monday night I got a stomach virus and as of today we each have had it this week. Joanna was sick Tuesday, Sarah had it on Wednesday, Timothy woke up Thursday morning with it and on Thursday night Elijah came down with it and then today Isaac has been sick. Even Bryan has had it. He left Thursday afternoon going to New Orleans for his Exit Interview (he had to have done so he can graduate in May) and he called me about 4 and said he was SICK! Not only was he away from home and by himself he also ended up with a flat tire. He put on the spare tire and as soon as he got back on the road it went flat. :( It has just been one of those weeks!
I prayed that God would not let my family get sick with this but they did. To be honest I was upset when everyone of us got it. It seemed that God was not listening to me. I lost my focus and began to be only seeing the negatives of the week. This morning God pricked me to think on the positives and write them down. As I began to really see the good things of the week the negatives seemed to not be so big. Wanted to share what those positive things are with you. In no particular order.
1) So thankful that Joanna has only thrown up once and that it wasn't all day.
2) Thankful that the little boys got it out and were done (didn't last all day with them).
3) Thankful that Sarah was so grateful for all I did for her.
4) That no one got REAL sick (dehydration, etc.).
5) That Bryan made it to New Orleans and back safely.
6) That my parents were able to come for a short time and help while Bryan was gone.
7) That Bryan passed his interview, he will graduate in May!
8) That God took care of him and kept him safe while he was fixing his flat tire.
9) That this is not something terminal we are dealing with here.
10) That I am blessed with a hubby who sees my weariness and wants to bless me!
11) Thankful that I serve a God who is with me and will never leave me or forsake me!!!
Praising God that He has showed me this and the next time I am tempted to loose my focus that I will write down the positives. Thankful that God has helped me to think on things that are true, pure, noble, right, etc. (Phil. 4:8). He is so good!!!