A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Monday, March 7, 2011

My cup runs over!

My cup is so full I don't even know where to begin! Forgive me if I make this a lengthy post but I just have to share ALL that God has done. I want this to be a post my children can look back on one day and know how God works and that He is good all the time! First, because Joanna was born in the middle of flu season I have kept her away from outings and church for awhile. With the other kids (they were born in spring and summer months) I took them out and back to church when they were just two weeks old, if not sooner. I have been away from our church family for so long that I really feel out of the loop, its almost like starting over again (I almost wanted to introduce myself all over). I have been so blessed by text messages I have received from some just to say Hi and that they were praying for us and thinking about us. For those I am so thankful but being with believers makes a whole lot of difference. Yesterday morning a dear lady in our church shared with me how she had read my post "Thoughts" and that it really spoke to her heart and she had even shared it with someone else. WOW, what an encouragement!! I am so thankful that I stopped what I was doing and took time to post my thoughts, thank You Lord! I needed to hear that!

Second, let me be real with you for a moment, I am a HUGE people pleaser! I want every one to like me and it makes me sick to think that I might have offended some one and now they might think less of me. Yuck!! These thoughts consume me at times and when they do it seems as if I can't pull out of it. This past week was one of those times. I just felt like everyone was against me and I just analized everything I did and said. I had to make myself every morninng read God's Word and pray. Then last night our preacher preached a sermon that I so needed to hear. I wish I could just post his sermon for you, because it so spoke to my heart. It was one of those sermons that was so personal, almost as if I was the only one there. He preached out of Jeremiah 17:5-8. Cursed if we trust in man.....Blessed if we put our trust in God!!! This hit home with my people pleasing weakness. I have allowed my people pleasing to dictate my emotions at times and that is NOT trusting in God. Were my eyes ever open to my idoltry! I never thought I would say those words but I see now that that is exactly what it is...idoltry!! There has been times that God has laid on my heart to confront someone and oh that is so hard because "they won't like me anymore". I worry too much about pleasing others that I have disobeyed God and not been pleasing to him. I needed that sermon last night and I will need it preached to me again and again to remind me that it is God who I should please and not man. How can I go wrong if I please my Heavenly Father? So now my cup runs over and I want to pour some of that on to you....may God fill your cup today. What has God done in your life that can make you say "My cup runs over"?

1 comment:

Nancy said...

You are an amazing Christian, Wife, Mom, Daughter & Friend!! We all have those kinds of days & so glad He provided the right scripture to help with feeling that way.
Praying you will have an amazing week in the Lord!