A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Saturday, August 8, 2009


OK, this is not the best picture of me but I did want to post...

Our Sarah graduated from Kindegarten last night. She will start First grade this week. We had a small family graduation ceremony at our home. Both grandparents came and we had supper. Sarah was so excited! She recited 5 bible verses (of her choice), the 10 commandments, the 9 fruits of the Spirit, she read from one of her K5 readers, counted by 5's, recognized coins and how much they are worth, answered some addition and subraction facts, and read times on the clock. She did very well and we are all so proud of her. I love being a homeschooling family!!


1 comment:

Jeanette said...

This is the neatest thing!!! I wish I had done this for my oldest when he "graduated" K.

She is such a cutie.