A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pregnancy update....

Baby's face...can you see it?

View of whole baby from a profile point...see it?

The more "high" tech sonogram. You can see baby's face...see it?

Today I am 19 weeks pregnant! One more week and I will be 1/2 way through this pregnancy. Amazing how fast it has gone by! I went for a Check up yesterday and they did the BIG sonogram and we got to see our precious one!! We have never had a "higher" tech sonogram done, but today the lady just gave two snap shots in the "higher" tech mode and I have posted one of them. It is amazing what you can see! Tears came to my eyes, just knowing that this precious life from God is inside of me!! Yes, we ALL went and the kids did really well. They (Isaac and Sarah especially) loved seeing the baby! Now we are even more excited about holding he/she and giving she/he so much loving! Some of you know and some have asked....we are not finding out the sex of the baby. We have never known and would love for this one to be another surprise! Everyone is always amazed that we can wait, but once you have done it once it makes the others easier! It actually is fun watching and listening to everyone else guess and make their assumptions. I know and am sure it drives some people crazy (family) that would love to know what the sex of the baby is! So I have added a poll to the side bar of our blog and you can make your vote about what you think the sex of baby #5 will be. Please feel free to cast your vote and lets see how much fun this really is....someone is going to be right and someone will be wrong. The first 3 of our children we just had a feeling what they would be, but Timothy was a complete surprise. So I am not even going to try and figure this one out. :) Today at the check up the baby's heart beat was in the 150's and measuring right on time!

By the way, a precious friend of mine sent me a surprise package that I received on Monday...3 pairs of maternity capri pants! I am so excited and so blessed! I will definitely be getting the wear out of those! Thanks Kay!


Nancy said...

Praise God for a healthy baby! I am voting for a boy. I never get these things right though :)
Keep us updated!!

Dodey said...

She is beautiful...yes, I said she...Sarah has prayed too hard and too long for a baby sister and I believe God has heard her prayers! Each baby is such a precious and amazing gift...you are truly blessed!

Karen said...

I am going to vote "girl" also :) So excited for you!!!