A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Make your bed

I read somewhere years ago that making your bed is 90% of cleaning your room. There is nothing like entering a room with the bed made. I try real hard to make my bed first thing in the morning. Bryan is so great about either helping or doing it for me. When my bed is made it does make the room look so much better. Honestly it doesn't take that much time and even my children enjoy helping me make the bed. I guess this is one reason I get them to make their bed every morning, if they make it a habit now it will come natural later. Do you make your bed every morning? Do you have a helpful hint for making a room look nicer?

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I agree, bed making makes a room. I love to get into fresh sheets! Taking out the trash in all rooms makes me feel a little better, too :)
I tagged you on a "7 things about me!" post if you want to do it!!