A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Counting Our Blessings!

This is the sight we saw as we drove down the driveway on Tuesday, December 10. This was the first time the kids and I had seen the sight. The closer we got that morning on the drive over the more my stomach was tumbling. I was wondering how the kids and I would react when we saw whatever we were about to see. The amazing thing was that when we pulled up there was a peace that came over me and God was in complete control.

The kids and I had in our minds that when we got there we would be able to find something that had survived. The blue cooler you see in the picture was sitting outside, beside Bryan's car and half of it was melted. There was a board still in flames and the rubble was HOT! Needless to say NOTHING survived that fire.

In the days that followed we heard a couple of stories of families that had fires and there was a lost loved one. We realized that we had so much to be thankful for and that things could be so much worse. God is great....not one of us were injured in any way, not one of us was having to be in the hospital, and we were not having to plan a funeral during all of this. If all we lost was our home and "things" then we really hadn't lost much at all. I fought the thoughts "We've lost everything!" because we had NOT lost everything!! Praise GOD!!

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