A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Back Deck

When we decided to put French doors on the back of the house we knew we would have to build a place to walk out and down. I gave my suggestions as the kids and I were leaving for one of our many trips to AL. When we came home after our four day trip this is what my hubby and our contractor decided on. I was speechless! This was more than I ever expected.
Bryan did most of the work himself...with help from our boys and our contractor/friend.
Here are Timothy and Elijah helping lay the floor of the deck.
Below is a picture of the pattern we decided on for laying the floor of the back deck. Bryan came up with this and I wholeheartedly agreed.
Isn't that beautiful?
Here is a picture of the final product. We have already enjoyed the deck and look forward to having family and friends over for lots of fellowship on the back deck. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the final results and love the helpers!