A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Friday, May 24, 2013

Remembering Nanny and Serving Others

Yesterday I posted that I am very thankful for the memories I have of my Nanny. I have so many of those memories and I want to pass on those memories to my children so that we never forget Nanny. :)

Last night at the supper table Elijah said “I sure do miss Nanny. I wonder if she misses me.” Then he began to tell me of his memories of Nanny. One of those memories is that he loved going to her house and she would give him chocolate candy. I am sure it is Nanny’s fault that he is so crazy about chocolate...LOL!!

I am so thankful that he has memories of her. When he was little he would steal her heart every time we visited her and she would say that he was her boy. :) Of coarse Nanny had a special bond with the other children too.

Just thinking about Nanny warms my heart and I too miss her! I enjoyed calling her, talking for a few minutes, and telling her about something new I had cooked. Now every time I make something that we just LOVE I wish I could call her and tell her all about it.

Then after supper last night it was time of baths! As I was helping the girls get their things together and run their water I found Elijah in the bathroom. My first thought was that he was hiding and wanting to scare the girls, but to my great delight he had gotten out the girls wash cloths and towel. He had even put a towel down for the girls to step out on. MELT MY HEART!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u made me cry!! LOL Mom