A Heart Toward Home

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve (worship) the LORD."
Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

2018 Tennessee 4-H Congress (Final Post)

 Tuesday morning we attended a regional breakfast followed by the students being able to vote for Congress Governor, Speaker of House, and Speaker of Senate. Isaac is sitting on stage for breakfast because he was chosen to give the invocation for breakfast.
 After voting we were able to change and board buses for our trip to the General Jackson.
 After boarding the General Jackson we enjoyed lunch and great fellowship time with others.
 Can't have a complete trip without a little goofing off. :)
 The Cumberland River
 After lunch and a trip on the Cumberland River we headed back to Murfreesboro for a formal dinner at the hotel. Sarah was chosen to play the keyboard while everyone entered and was seated.
 Here is a picture of our table at the formal dinner.
Very thankful that I had this opportunity to attend Congress with Isaac and Sarah. These two had a great time at Congress.

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